Donut Kind of Day


After having a cold the past few days, I just wanted to be comfortable and have a little fun.  Nothing makes a day seem a little more playful than when you’re wearing donuts on your shoes and bag!  I mean, come on!  They’re colorful, silly, and topped with sprinkles!!  Happy days are mandatory when donuts are in the picture.  That’s why so many people like to eat them in the morning… I think.  Just kidding.  But really, when I saw these babies at the Kate Spade online surprise sale, I had to scoop them up.  They’re just too cute!  I’m a total sucker during those surprise sales though.  I’ve had to stop looking when they pop up on my social media feeds.  Definitely a little dangerous for the credit card bills…

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Top: Kersh (similar & similar), Shorts: J.Crew, Necklace & Ring: Samantha Wills, Bag & Shoes: Kate Spade


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