Book Review: That Extra Half an Inch By Victoria Beckham

That extra half an inch by Victoria Beckham

When I saw this book (at the Goodwill!) I knew I had to have it.  I actually didn’t even open it before I bought it so I was expecting a biography of sorts.  I was pleasantly surprised that it turned out to be a style guide!  Score!!  I’m a huge Victoria Beckham fan.  She has that classic effortless style that I love.  So her guide, That Extra Half an Inch, was a fun book for me to read!  She actually does give a lot of great style tips throughout and it’s really well illustrated.  There are a lot of photos of Victoria too, which is fun for fans like me.  She has a great cheeky writing style that lends some humor to the text.  It was written in 2006 so some of the “Where to Buy” sections are a bit outdated and doesn’t include some of the newer popular designers.  Otherwise the style advice is still very relevant.  A must read for all fans of Victoria’s style.

Purchase your copy here!

Book Review: The Little Dictionary of Fashion By Christian Dior

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I love to read.  Especially books that ooze fashion!  I picked this one up on a whim and I’m really glad I did!  It’s exactly what it says: a dictionary of fashion terms through the eyes of Christian Dior.  He does give some good tips on how to wear items specific to your body type and you can definitely visualize his rules in his own couture line.  There are a few comical lines, though probably true, made me laugh.  One in particular, “I would not advise anyone to wear big jewels and expensive furs before marriage,” really got me giggling.  Overall this is a cute book and would make an excellent gift for any of the fashionistas in your life.  Enjoy!

Available on Amazon Here