Behind the Scenes: Spring Designer Preview

DSC06439One of my many hats is to work behind the scenes ever so often at Nordstrom fashion shows in San Diego.  It’s so much fun to touch all these amazing swoon-worthy designer clothes that are outside my budget.  Not to mention, the models make everything look like perfection!  Frankly, it’s not fair.  Being behind the scenes can be a lot of work but it’s a lot of fun too.  Here are shots of some of my favorite looks backstage.






Valentino Valentino


#RedStyle: Embrace Your Personal Style


When RedEnvelope contacted me about joining their #RedStyle campaign, I was quick to jump.  Not only is RedEnvelope a company I’ve used for years for great gift ideas but the campaign is all about embracing your personal style.  I think what’s so fun about blogging and fashion is that we get to share with everyone our mood, inspirations, and style just by what we decide to put on that day.  I describe my personal style as classic with a twist.  I tend to gravitate toward classic shapes but also love fun pops of color and loud prints.  I also like accessories and such that have a little humor to it, like my Kate Spade donut bag or the “Shopping is My Cardio” Wildfox sweater.  I included my mary jane Manolo Blahniks because they are the very first designer thing I ever purchased.  They’re classic is shape but the twist is the bright and shinny patent leather.  A perfect epitome of my style!  As far as jewelry goes, I’m usually getting ready in a rush so I like to be able to grab something like a giant Samantha Wills ring or a huge gold chain vintage necklace.  A statement piece can really pull your look together!

Another aspect to my style is blending designer pieces with stuff I’ve found at the Goodwill or vintage shops.  That’s truly when I feel most me.  The gorgeous gold and black lace skirt and the beat up old Coach crossbody bag are probably some of my most favorite things in my closet!  I have no problems with second hand clothing and sometimes it’s amazing what you’ll find!  It’s just what you didn’t know you always wanted!

How do you describe your personal style?


Interview With Sandra Espinet

With each new year brings new colors, trends, and styles.  I turned to Sandra Espinet to help navigate the year’s changes and get some style inspiration.  Here’s that conversation:

Wandering In Heels: We all know the Pantone Color of the year for 2014 is Radiant Orchid but are there any other colors we should look out for?

Sandra Espinet: I’m not much for following “colors of the year.” Being a slave to trends is a great way to have your designs look dated. The world of fashion moves at a much faster rate [than interior design]. So if you buy a purple dress you can easily change it next year. But in interiors we tend to change out our furniture slowly. No one wants to have an 8 year old purple dated sofa. Right?

WIH: Absolutely not!  Unless that’s your thing, of course!  Your book, The Well-Traveled Home, shows that you pull colors from exotic locales into your home designs and talks about a “Fearless use of color.” What does that mean and do you use that same approach to fashion? How would you suggest other fashionistas be more fearless with color?

SEYes, I love colour and yes I think it’s a great way to be interesting. But style is very personal. There is no “one” style for everyone. You need to find your own style and work your own colors into your world. A great example would be to look at Jennifer Lopez and to look at Angelina Jolie. Very different colour palettes yet they both are successful in making themselves look great. They have each found their own colors.

WIH: You’ve had the opportunity to live all over the world. How has that influenced your fashion sense? How do you put together a well-traveled look?

SE: Yes, I do think travel affects everyone. It opens your eyes to how other people live and it makes you more aware of lifestyles. I do think that having lived abroad makes me a bit more adventurous with my choices and my colors. But deep down inside I am a pretty neutral person. I love clean lines and neutral colors also.

WIH: How do the latest fashion trends influence your home designs?

SE: It does not. I love to go to a few shows each year at NY Fashion Week because I do like to see what’s moving in the Fashion World. But I consider my design team and I to be design trend setters. So we look at other trends, but we also create our own.

WIH: Just like our home, we want to keep our wardrobes classic but fresh. Any tips for keeping your wardrobe classic but fresh?

SE: I think being organised is one of the most important things for a closet. That way you know what you have and what you need to get rid of. Editing and getting rid of old clothes (and yes sadly shoes) helps you not wear anything that is no longer in vogue or that no longer fits you well. It takes time to be organised. I love my closet and I spend a few hours a month on a given Sunday, cleaning out, and organising it.

WIH: You always look so polished and fabulous while traveling all over! Do you have any secrets?

SE: Non-wrinkle clothes. Really! I can pack a bag in 30 minutes and I have learned to pack light and add lots of non-wrinkle items in my carry one. I can’t tell you how many times I have had to go straight from a long flight into a meeting. It makes all the difference. Linen does not travel well. Don’t wear linen pants on a flight.  Also, plan ahead and check the weather. I was just in London and Paris. I only took one pair of boots that matched all outfits so I could save space. I walked all around London and Paris in saddle brown Chanel fur lined boots.Sandra Sandra 2

For more information on Sandra Espinet, please visit her website at



Thunder print top

Jackets with contrasting sleeves are simply everywhere right now.  They make every outfit look like you’re an expert at that ever so chic winter layers look.  I paired this fun denim and terry cloth find with a few more layers.  There’s a simple white tank and a thunderbolt tunic under there too!  I can’t help but reiterate my love of vintage here (again… sorry!) by topping off this look with a pair of beat up vintage Coach boots.  They’re so deliciously soft now that I’ll wear these babies until they fall apart!

fall fashion

Black leggings




Jacket: Renvy (via, Top: Target, Leggings: Vivacity Sportswear, Boots: Coach (Vintage via BadgeMadge)


Those Shoes!!


Have you ever had that moment when you run into someone and their shoes are so fabulous you want to hug her, be friends, then promptly steal them in the night?  That’s what happened upon seeing these fabulous Monika Chiang gold leaf pumps on the equally fabulous Sandra Espinet.  These lovely heels are so exclusive that they are only sold in stores in specific sizes!  Definitely worth stopping to admire!

Sandra is currently showing her absolutely gorgeous wool and silk rugs from Nepal in the Aga John Show Room at the Laguna Design Center.  What a display of stunning artistry and color!  She spent her childhood traveling the world and is inspired by the architecture and cultures she experienced.  Her nomadic life also inspired her latest book The Well-Traveled Home to showcase her sharp eye for internationally influenced interior design.  If you are anything like me and have a deep love for travel, you must check it out.  Go head… I’ll wait…


Sandra 2

Done with Summer

Last days of Summer


I’m crossing my fingers that this will be my last summer weather post.  It’s so toasty warm here still that my sweaters haven’t awoken from their hibernation boxes quite yet. However, there is still hope!  Tonight was the first night that there was actually a chill in the air!  So I might be just about ready to be done with summer and dressing for fall.  So excited!!  In the mean time, I’m still all about color… not that you couldn’t tell!




Fruity necklace


It's important to be silly some times

It’s important to be silly some times


Denim Shirt: Zara, Cobalt T: Caslon, Skirt & Belt: Target, Shoes: GoJane (also worn here), Bracelet: Kate Spade, Necklace: Betsy Johnson


Wander with me on my other social media accounts for exclusive photos and commentary!

Twitter: @WanderingHeels

Instagram: @WanderingInHeels