Heels2Heal Miracle Babies Luncheon

Heels2Heal EventThere’s nothing I love more than combining fashion and charity.  So it was a no-brainer to attend the Heels2Heal Fashion Show & Luncheon.  Heels2Heal is a great charitable organization that hosts fashion related events throughout Orange County and San Diego in order to raise donations for Miracle Babies.  Miracle Babies helps to support those families with critically ill newborns in the Intensive Care Unit.  This event was held at the Sea & Smoke Restaurant in Del Mar, CA.  We sat outside and enjoyed the fashion show of Flower Hill Promenade retailers in 80 degree November weather.  Only in San Diego!  

I was really impressed with the styling for the fashion show.  I didn’t realize how many great retailers there are in that location!  All the beautiful models were decked out in some amazing fall fashion looks.  Here are some shots of my favorite outfits.

Crochet dress black and white look Navy and mustard look Stylish girls his and hers fall fashion fun with fall fashion work wear Holiday fashion

My Look Dress: White House Black Market, Necklace: Vintage, Shoes: Calvin Klein, Bag: Bottega Veneta (via shop-hers.com)


Monday Must-Have Lust List


I love sweaters.  Period.  Do I really need to say more?  This year, the trend is heading towards intarsia sweaters.  All that means is a picture is knitted into the sweater rather than embroidered or ironed onto it.  It’s so much fun!!  You can basically pick anything that makes to happy for this trend.  I tend to be partial to sky prints, animals, and faces.  Here are a few of the ones I’m currently lusting over.  (Click the image for details)

 Elizabeth and James Raincloud Intarsia Sweater  Star Intarsia  Marilyn Monroe Sweater



CND’s Solar Spreed Spray has been my at-home mani savior!  I had this used once during a professional manicure to help set my polish and I knew I had to have it!!  Not only does it have a delicious almond smell, it instantly dries my polish and lets me go about my day!  No longer do we have to sit for an hour to let our polish dry!  Let’s rejoice!!

CND Solar Speed Spray



I don’t know if you’ve noticed but I’m a huge Jo Malone fan.  So I’m anxiously excited to try the latest from the Jo Malone collection: Peony & Blush Suede.  It’s described as luxurious and seductive… does it get much better than that?!

Peony and Blush Suede Cologne


It’s hard to imagine living in a world without power.  Life as we know it would change forever.  That’s exactly what happened on NBC’s Revolution.  I absolutely love this show for the action, suspense, and strong women fighting for what they believe in.  It’s back this Wednesday, September 25th for Season 2.  (Check your local listing for times)



I’m one of those people that buys a travel book every time I go anywhere.  I like to have all the tips and tricks right at my finger tips.  And they really help to figure out what I want to do while I’m on my trip.  There’s always something in there I wouldn’t have thought about myself.  I’ve found Lonely Planet does the best job covering everything.  I just ordered a new one for an upcoming trip but that’s a secret!!  🙂  You’re welcome to guess where to if you like though!

Happy First Day of Fall!

Fall Fashion


It’s officially the first day of fall!!  Yes!!  While I wait for it to cool down to full on fall weather, I’ll be slowly transitioning in my cold weather wardrobe.  To do that, I’ll be wearing things like a sweater and shorts (today!), knee high boots and a tank, etc.  You’ll see!  I’m just happy it’s FALL!!!


first day of fall fashion


Fall Hat


Zara detail


Wandering in heels fall fashion


Hat: Eric Jarvits, Sweater: Halogen (similar here), Shorts: Zara, Booties: Soda, Necklace: I made it! It’s titled the “Love Hurts Necklace” and I’m selling a similar one here.