#RedStyle: Embrace Your Personal Style


When RedEnvelope contacted me about joining their #RedStyle campaign, I was quick to jump.  Not only is RedEnvelope a company I’ve used for years for great gift ideas but the campaign is all about embracing your personal style.  I think what’s so fun about blogging and fashion is that we get to share with everyone our mood, inspirations, and style just by what we decide to put on that day.  I describe my personal style as classic with a twist.  I tend to gravitate toward classic shapes but also love fun pops of color and loud prints.  I also like accessories and such that have a little humor to it, like my Kate Spade donut bag or the “Shopping is My Cardio” Wildfox sweater.  I included my mary jane Manolo Blahniks because they are the very first designer thing I ever purchased.  They’re classic is shape but the twist is the bright and shinny patent leather.  A perfect epitome of my style!  As far as jewelry goes, I’m usually getting ready in a rush so I like to be able to grab something like a giant Samantha Wills ring or a huge gold chain vintage necklace.  A statement piece can really pull your look together!

Another aspect to my style is blending designer pieces with stuff I’ve found at the Goodwill or vintage shops.  That’s truly when I feel most me.  The gorgeous gold and black lace skirt and the beat up old Coach crossbody bag are probably some of my most favorite things in my closet!  I have no problems with second hand clothing and sometimes it’s amazing what you’ll find!  It’s just what you didn’t know you always wanted!

How do you describe your personal style?


Fashion Week San Diego: Day 2


Day 2 of Fashion Week San Diego kicked off the runway events!  I was so impressed by all the emerging designers and floored by the spectacle of the “Styled to Rock” preview.  All the emerging designers were hand picked to present their collections over the course of the 3 days of runway shows in an effort to be voted as Best Emerging Designer.  The winner will receive cash, an opportunity to meet with buyers, and many more amazing prizes.  So you know they’re showing us their absolute best!!  With everything from gowns to swimwear, the audience was fully captivated.

The show closed with a preview of 3 designers from the coming series “Styled to Rock.”  I can’t even begin to find words to describe the incredible designs.  It was just amazing to see these visions!  Here are some of the highlights of the event.

For today's show I wore a vintage skirt with a moto jacket.

For today’s show I wore a vintage skirt with a moto jacket.

Here's a shot of the detail on the vintage skirt I wore tonight.

Here’s a shot of the detail on the vintage skirt I wore tonight.


Emerging Designer C Venti

Emerging Designer C Venti





































Photo Credit:  All photos other than the images of myself are were taken by Fashion Week San Diego.  I was having camera problems that day but never fear!  You will see Chelsea vision again at the next show!

Denim on Denim Look

Main Denim on Denim image

I love a good denim on denim look. It’s totally comfortable and really easy to pull off!  How I like to wear denim on denim is to choose one dark version and one lighter version.  With all that denim going on, I feel a little like I could be working on a ranch as a chic cowgirl!  So to glamour it up a little bit, I wear it with some sparkly vintage crystal earrings and a necklace from my grandma.  I’m also wearing a lacy bandeau underneath so I unbuttoned the top an extra button.  Of course I like to top it off with some amazing shiny red heels and lips!  Can you tell I’m into red at the moment?

Tip:  Wear the darker version where you are largest for a slimming effect.  I wear mine on the bottom since I am quite “hippy.”

denim on denim

Brian Atwood Patent Leather Red Heels

vintage jewely

Close Up

Me with red lips

Outfit Look


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Top: Zara (Similar), Jeans: J Brand, Shoes: Brain Atwood (via shop-hers.com), Earrings: vintage (via Bad Madge & Co.)

Red is the New Black

red is the new black outfit

I’m in Washington to visit family and it’s gorgeous here!  These blue flowers in my boyfriend’s mom’s yard are so unique and amazing that I absolutely had to take pictures in front of them!  For my outfit today, red is my inspiration color.  Red is all over the runways for Fall this year and I’m so excited about  it!  I absolutely love it.  To make this look really pop, I paired my red silk blouse and suede booties with a pair of white jeans.

One tip for suede shoes and white jeans is to do a color test first to make sure you don’t rub off color onto your jeans!  Just take the edge of your shoe and gently rub the inside of your waist band (there’s usually a few layers of fabric there so it won’t show through).  If it rubs off, it’s not a match!


Red Suede Booties

gold statement necklace

beautiful blue flowers




Top: Costume National, Jeans: J Brand, Booties: Soda, Bag: Kate Spade

White T-Shirt And Jeans: Vol. 1


I’m a huge advocate for simplicity.  You’ll often see me in the classic white t-shirt and jeans combination (I titled this Volume 1 for a reason!) but I’ll add my style to it with some fun accessories.  Everything gets taken up a notch with leopard print heels (am I right?!) so these Calvin Kleins were perfect.  Choose a nice deep overdyed skinny jean with a little fading to keep it on the nicer side of things.  I like to reserve my light blue jeans for a boyfriend cut or shorts.  Otherwise I feel a little too… ’90s.

To top it all off, I pile on a bunch of fun jewelry!  I found this necklace at a vintage shop in Laguna Beach that has since closed down.  I was crushed to see it go!  What a gem…  Anyway, throw on a bunch of rings and that simple outfit now has some style!

One of my favorite vintage finds ever!  It makes every outfit better!

One of my favorite vintage finds ever! It makes every outfit better!


I love wearing a lot of rings at once!!  Don't you?

I love wearing a lot of rings at once!! Don’t you?


Don't worry... you'll be seeing these heels again!  These are on the regular rotation!

Don’t worry… you’ll be seeing these heels again! They’re on the regular rotation!


Top: Rubbish, Necklace: Vintage, Jeans: J Brand, Rings (from image left to right): Samantha Wills, ASOS, Kate Spade (No longer available), Shoes: Calvin Klein (No longer available.  Similar style here.)


For the Love of a Suitcase


When I’m on a road trip, I always bring my vintage faux croc Samsonite suitcase.  It’s so much fun to bring that nostalgia with me everywhere I go.  With all the extra space in the car, why not add an element of fun to our luggage?  Sure, they’re too heavy to take on any plane flights, but for the car?  Totally worth it.  Period.  Not to mention they tend to be pretty darn roomy and great conversation starters.  It’s also nice to fill my train case with only bathroom supplies so I can just drop it in the bathroom right when I check in!  I’m down for one less thing to unpack!  Pheew!