Those Shoes!!


Have you ever had that moment when you run into someone and their shoes are so fabulous you want to hug her, be friends, then promptly steal them in the night?  That’s what happened upon seeing these fabulous Monika Chiang gold leaf pumps on the equally fabulous Sandra Espinet.  These lovely heels are so exclusive that they are only sold in stores in specific sizes!  Definitely worth stopping to admire!

Sandra is currently showing her absolutely gorgeous wool and silk rugs from Nepal in the Aga John Show Room at the Laguna Design Center.  What a display of stunning artistry and color!  She spent her childhood traveling the world and is inspired by the architecture and cultures she experienced.  Her nomadic life also inspired her latest book The Well-Traveled Home to showcase her sharp eye for internationally influenced interior design.  If you are anything like me and have a deep love for travel, you must check it out.  Go head… I’ll wait…


Sandra 2

Monday Must-Have Lust List


Anybody that even kind of knows me knows that I have a teeny tiny (ok, HUGE!) obsession with shoes.  Like, it’s unhealthy.  So when I got wind of the Sophia Webster for J.Crew collection, I nearly had a shoe induced heart attack!  The only problem with the unveiling at NYFW is that I have to wait until Spring 2014 to get my hands on them!  The torture!!

Jcrew x Sophia webster


I love when fashion and charity collide.  It’s impossible to have buyer’s remorse when you know your purchase is doing some good!  The Home T-shirt is a great way to do good AND be fashionable… basically the best combo ever, right?  For every purchase, a portion of the proceeds will be donated to multiple sclerosis research.  Now show your state some love!



You read that right!  On this week’s Lust List is Overalls!  Remember those pants with a bib look you probably rocked in the 90s?  They’re baaaaaack!  So turn up some Nirvana and slip into some overalls, right now!  Make them a little more modern by trying them in leather (or faux!) or a dark wash denim.  I like these and these.

Faux Leather overalls


I have spot reserved in my heart just for Kate Spade.  The colorful girlyness is basically me spot on.  I feel like they are reaching into my brain and making clothes specifically for me and my style.  This season was no exception!  Inspired by traveling through Europe, this collection is fun, flirty, and totally wearable!  Is it Spring 2014, yet?

This is one of my favorite looks from the collection…

Kate Spade Spring 2014


The World According to KarlThe illusive and always sunglass clad Chanel designer, Karl Lagerfeld, is now sharing some words of wisdom with us underlings in his new book The World According to Karl.  His notorious wit (in both the good and shocking spectrum) are synonymous with the man’s impeccable style.  I’m looking forward to this collection of word gems.  Here’s a small sampling of Karl Quotes: “Think pink. But don’t wear it.” “I like everything to be washable.  Including myself.” “I only know how to play one role: me.”  Releases September 17, 2013.

Happy Reading!

Monday Must-Haves: 5 Items on My Weekly Lust List

Welcome to my first weekly Monday Must-Have Lust List!  Every Monday, I’ll share with you five of the things I’m currently obsessing over.  It can be anything from shoes (duh!), movies, books, beauty products, trends, places… you name it!   Call it my weekly inspiration board!  Happy lusting!

Man Repeller Book


As a regular reader of Leandra Medine’s blog, I’m really looking forward to her debut book!  She has a sharp engaging writing style that’s sure to make you laugh, cringe, and totally relate all at the same time.  It’s like Chelsea Handler meets Fashion Police meets Rachel Zoe.  If you’re a hopeless fashion addict with an unabashed love for a little sarcasm, I believe you will not be disappointed.

Releases September 10, 2013.  Pick up your copy here!


OMG!  All this talk about 3.1 Phillip Lim’s collaboration for Target has got my mind on fire!  The designer’s obvious skill can now be enjoyed for a fraction of the brand’s regular prices.  Have you seen all those beautiful handbags?!  Swoon!  How about the fun graphic tops?!  So on trend!  The evening dresses?!  Perfection!  You can count on me being front and center at this Sunday’s release!

Lauches September 15, 2013.  Check out the preview here!

3.1 Phillip Lim


Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know New York Fashion Week is underway. One of my favorite things about the fashion weeks all around the world is checking out the amazing street style.  It’s fun to see how real women wear the trends.  The photos are infinitely inspiring, often outlandish, devilishly daring, and always stylish! Don’t worry… it won’t be long until you see my photo among these!  😉

Some of my favorite websites for street style photos are The Sartorialist,, W Magazine, and Jak & Jil.


I probably need to move somewhere that sweaters, pants, and jackets are a more regular occurrence because I tend to be supremely drawn to them.  When I saw this sweater, it was immediately added to my shopping cart and my mind began creating outfits with this, well, awesome sweater!  Officially obsessed.  Available Here!

Awesome Topshop Sweater


The luxury brand is at it again creating more irresistibly tempting beauty products.  This sheer glow powder sounds like it will be perfect for those of us living in more humid climates.  At least for me, when humidity strikes, there’s no point in wearing any foundation because it’ll just melt off anyway!  A nice powder like this with just a hint of color might be just the ticket!  I’m looking forward to picking up this product soon!

Try it for yourself!


Book Review: That Extra Half an Inch By Victoria Beckham

That extra half an inch by Victoria Beckham

When I saw this book (at the Goodwill!) I knew I had to have it.  I actually didn’t even open it before I bought it so I was expecting a biography of sorts.  I was pleasantly surprised that it turned out to be a style guide!  Score!!  I’m a huge Victoria Beckham fan.  She has that classic effortless style that I love.  So her guide, That Extra Half an Inch, was a fun book for me to read!  She actually does give a lot of great style tips throughout and it’s really well illustrated.  There are a lot of photos of Victoria too, which is fun for fans like me.  She has a great cheeky writing style that lends some humor to the text.  It was written in 2006 so some of the “Where to Buy” sections are a bit outdated and doesn’t include some of the newer popular designers.  Otherwise the style advice is still very relevant.  A must read for all fans of Victoria’s style.

Purchase your copy here!

Book Review: This Little Piggy Went to Prada

Picture 1

This little book of nursery rhymes with a designer name twist are about as silly as they come… in a good way!  It’s perfect for those fashionistas with little fashionistas in training for a fun bedtime alternative.  The book does have the original nursery rhymes in the back too.  It’s nice because it had really been awhile since I last heard them so some of the “Prada” ones I was a tad confused at first!  The watercolor art in the book is also really beautiful and quite fun.  In honor of all these delicious rhymes… I’ve written a haiku for you! Hey, that rhymed!

I needed a new pair of shoes

So, of course, I needed those Choos

I went to the bank

but my statement was blank

So I started to sing the blues

Book Review: The Devil Wears Prada by Lauren Weisberger

Devil Wears Prada

Even though this book has been out for quite some time and I’d already seen the movie, I decided to try the phrase “Don’t judge a book by it’s movie” and actually read the book!  Shocking, I know!  With the sequel coming out, it seemed as good of a time as ever to read this one.  However, in this case, the movie really is so much better than the book.  The main character, Andrea Sachs, comes off as a whiny recent college grad that thinks she’s too good to put in the grunt work.  Miranda Priestly is a great villain always keeping Andrea on her toes ready to pounce (in Jimmy Choos!) at any moment for any demand.  The book’s tone was just too “poor me” for me to really enjoy it.  I doubt I’ll pick up the latest sequel Revenge Wears Prada now.  I’ll just wait for the movie…

Click here to purchase

Book Review: The Little Dictionary of Fashion By Christian Dior

Picture 1

I love to read.  Especially books that ooze fashion!  I picked this one up on a whim and I’m really glad I did!  It’s exactly what it says: a dictionary of fashion terms through the eyes of Christian Dior.  He does give some good tips on how to wear items specific to your body type and you can definitely visualize his rules in his own couture line.  There are a few comical lines, though probably true, made me laugh.  One in particular, “I would not advise anyone to wear big jewels and expensive furs before marriage,” really got me giggling.  Overall this is a cute book and would make an excellent gift for any of the fashionistas in your life.  Enjoy!

Available on Amazon Here