Brand Alert: United Nude

Sandra Shoes

United Nude is by no means new but it was recently brought to my attention by my fashion loving doppelganger (really, I’m her doppelganger), Sandra Espinet.  I’ve mentioned her before because of her fantastic taste in shoes (and let’s be honest here… her taste in everything style!) but I’m so excited about United Nude.  These shoes are art people.  I mean, look at these babies!  And get this… Sandra says she wore these all over a furniture show in North Carolina, did a speech, then continued on to an Architectural Digest party and was COMFORTABLE!  Just add in how amazingly unique this line of shoes is and I’m now officially swooning.  Anything from this brand is on my Christmas wish list for sure.  *hint hint*

Sandra Shoes 1

Sandra Shoes 2

United Nude


Picture 2


Picture 3


Picture 4


Picture 5




Just Add a Hat!

Wandering In Heels Brixton HatOne of my fashion philosophies is “When in doubt, add a hat.”  When I’m dressing casual, I feel like a great hat pulls my look together.  You could wear a plain white T and jeans with a great hat and Voila!  Instant style!  This Brixton hat is my latest go to and I love it!  I kind of feel the same way about booties too.  They works with everything from skirts to jeans and are so on trend.  These ones I think I paid like $8 for on Amazon 2 or 3 years ago.  I’m such a deal hunter, paying full price actually hurts me!  Keep searching and no doubt you’ll find some really great cheapies out there!

Casual stylecool hatcute casual styleaccessoriesWandering in heels back

Smooch!  Thanks for reading!

Smooch! Thanks for reading!


Hat: Brixton, Top: Zara (old), Jeans: Citizens of Humanity (similar here and here), Booties: Qupid (old), Necklace: Samantha Wills (old), Bracelet: Make Good, Lipstick: NARS Velvet Matte Lip Pencil – Damned



Happy First Day of Fall!

Fall Fashion


It’s officially the first day of fall!!  Yes!!  While I wait for it to cool down to full on fall weather, I’ll be slowly transitioning in my cold weather wardrobe.  To do that, I’ll be wearing things like a sweater and shorts (today!), knee high boots and a tank, etc.  You’ll see!  I’m just happy it’s FALL!!!


first day of fall fashion


Fall Hat


Zara detail


Wandering in heels fall fashion


Hat: Eric Jarvits, Sweater: Halogen (similar here), Shorts: Zara, Booties: Soda, Necklace: I made it! It’s titled the “Love Hurts Necklace” and I’m selling a similar one here.

Red is the New Black

red is the new black outfit

I’m in Washington to visit family and it’s gorgeous here!  These blue flowers in my boyfriend’s mom’s yard are so unique and amazing that I absolutely had to take pictures in front of them!  For my outfit today, red is my inspiration color.  Red is all over the runways for Fall this year and I’m so excited about  it!  I absolutely love it.  To make this look really pop, I paired my red silk blouse and suede booties with a pair of white jeans.

One tip for suede shoes and white jeans is to do a color test first to make sure you don’t rub off color onto your jeans!  Just take the edge of your shoe and gently rub the inside of your waist band (there’s usually a few layers of fabric there so it won’t show through).  If it rubs off, it’s not a match!


Red Suede Booties

gold statement necklace

beautiful blue flowers




Top: Costume National, Jeans: J Brand, Booties: Soda, Bag: Kate Spade

Sorbet, Anyone?

Close UpI love a bright silk blouse.  It’s basically the easiest piece in my wardrobe to wear.  You could wear it with blue, grey, or white bottoms and it requires only a few accessories.  Ta Da!  Instant style.  This bright orange sorbet colored one is by Zoe & Sam.  I got mine on so keep your eyes peeled for that great deal!

The booties are another one of my wardrobe staples.  These are just cheapies I bought on Amazon about 2 years ago but I’ve worn them to death!  The studs add a fun dash of excitement to otherwise boring tan booties.  I’m very much all for mixing designer and not designer.  If you love it, wear it!  

Full look




Top: Zoe & Sam, Bracelet: Kate Spade (Similar here), Bag: Kate Spade (Similar here), Jeans: Citizens of Humanity (Similar here)

These Booties Were Made for Talkin’


Don’t you love that moment when you’re shopping and suddenly it’s like the clouds part, the sun shines down, and angels start singing luring you to that special find… and it’s on SALE?!  That’s how I felt when I found these leopard print calf hair booties at the latest Nordstrom sale.  It’s like they were made with me in mind!  These babies are statement shoes though so when I was planning the rest of my outfit, I kept it pretty simple in order to let them do the talking.  The leatherette jeans give a bit of a tough girl vibe but I tone it down from being too “motorcycle chick” by adding a white silk blouse.  Keep accessories simple too… the leopard print is loud enough!

Leopard Booties


Booties: Vince Camuto, Jeans: Citizen of Humanity, Blouse: Equipment, Ring: YSL, Necklace: C.Wonder