Lust List: Urban Decay Naked 3 Palette Review

Naked 3Man, this Urban Decay Naked 3 palette was on backorder forever!  So happy it’s finally here!  The colors are a really nice array of rosey tones so I thought this would be perfect for my skintone.  Not to mention I have a slightly unhealthy obsession with all things rose gold.  It’s been really fun testing all the colors and doing lots of combinations to find out what works for me.

DSC_0013Aren’t they pretty?!  There’s a perfect combination of shimmer, matte, light, and dark tones. The colors are rather sheer but have a totally buildable quality to them.  And when paired with one of the generous samples of Eyeshadow Primer Potion, they just last and last and last and last… get where I’m going with this?  Good.  I need to add another step to my beauty routine like I need to put a hole in my head but the Primer Potion was so incredible, I decided the extra 15 seconds a day was totally worth it.  The Eden color is what I use now and I actually put it under my eyes as well!  Stays put all day and the nice beige matte gives me a good even foundation to play with the eyeshadows on.  The trick is to use just a teenie tiny itty bitty amount of the Primer Potion.  It goes a long way and actually works better if you use less!  On another note, I’ll be totally honest with you guys (as I always am!), I don’t like the double sided brush that come with the palette.  It’s way too stiff for my liking.

DSC_0016As you can see, a lot of the really light colors get a little lost on my skintone.  For me, the first 4 colors are used as a subtle rosey base or to add a little sheen on top.  Otherwise, they’re essentially invisible.  Urban Decay did a pretty great job sticking to the rose gold category but not making every color seem like just one step darker than the next.  There are probably a million possibilities in this thing!  Here’s one of my go to favs…

DSC_0034I use Strange as the base which is a slightly pink matte color up to my brow.  Then use Buzz over the lid and added just a hint of sparkle to the inner corners with Dust.  Topped it all off by lining my eyes with Blackheart on both the top and bottom and added some mascara. Voila!  This is one of my favorite combinations to go from day to night.  We’re all busy ladies!  Not needing to touch up your makeup from one thing to the next is a major added bonus!


All in all, this is a great palette that will be nice for travel since you can do day AND night looks all in one.  Bravo, Urban Decay, Bravo!


Lust List: Erin Fetherston x JewelMint Collection

EF Collection

Get ready to fall in love with this adorable collection!  Erin Fetherston has created a Studio Series in collaboration with JewelMint and the results are perfection.  There’s a lot of rose gold, whimsy, and romance in this collection and any (or all!) pieces would be an easy addition to your look.  Now let’s get what we really want this Valentine’s Day and just send the link directly to our loved ones.  Why beat around the bush?

Shop the collection here!

Picture 4 Picture 5 Picture 6


Monday Must-Have Lust List


Like many of you, I’m a huge fan of watching all the fashion week shenanigans from around the world.  The street style is about as much fun to see as the designer’s creations for the coming season.  So I’m super excited to be attending San Diego Fashion Week from October 2nd – October 6th.  There will be 26 designers from around the world showcasing their beautiful looks.  If any of you are attending as well, stop me and say hello!  🙂

Tickets available here.

Fashion Show



Last time there was a collaboration like this, it sold out in about an hour!  This time around, Rihanna has collaborated with MAC Cosmetics to create a full line of makeup.  Other than the amazing rose gold packaging, the colors are meant to complement all skin tones.  They look like they’re going to be a perfect fall makeup addition!  Get yours at MAC Cosmetics online starting today (September 30th) or when it releases to all carriers on October 3rd!




Statement earrings are really making a come back and I couldn’t be happier.  It adds instant glam to all your looks and are available in so many shapes, colors, and designs that you’ll never be bored!  Here are a few statement earrings I’m loving.  Click image for more info.

Jeweliq Aztec Earrings

Tassel Earrings

Lulu Frost Orbit Earrings







This little portable steamer was the best $20 I spent in my whole life.  It’s so nice not to have to lug out a regular steamer if I’m just steaming one item!  And it’s also small enough that I can pack it when I travel and still have room for 16 pairs of shoes!  If you don’t already have one of these, get one!  Your life is about to change.

My Little Steamer












Like most women, I have a soft spot in my heart for Justin.  I mean, the guy can dance, sing, act, dress, and is just plain good looking!  So I’ve obviously downloaded the album this morning and will be listening to it on repeat for the better part of today.  Stay tuned on my Twitter account to hear my thoughts on the album once I’ve given it a good listen.  You can order yours on itunes or right here!

Justin Timberlake














Happy Lusting!